Protecting Your Homes that Move

Protecting Your Homes that Move
If you're someone who loves to roam, recreational vehicles can be your ticket to freedom. With an RV, you don't need to worry about leaving your home to travel - you can take your home right along with you. However, all too often, people forget that RVs are often more vulnerable to theft than their regular homes. In fact, RV-related break-ins and theft are a significant risk once you hit the road, no matter how fancy your RV is.
However, we feel you should feel just as secure on the road as you do at home. Indeed, it's a good idea to view an RV as a second home, that needs all the security attention of your stationary abode. Here, we'll discuss some tips for keeping your valuables safe, no matter where the roads take you!
Park Smart
They say that there's safety in numbers, and that is very true for RV safety as well. If you park your RV on an isolated street, it's much more likely that it's going to be the target of aspiring thieves. If you find a place for the night in a well-lit RV park, with plenty of other people coming and going, it will be pretty difficult for any burglars to do their work unnoticed. You might think that it's cheaper to take a parking lot, but you could be setting up camp in a high-crime area. Sometimes it pays to follow the crowd.
Take Only What You Need
What's the best way to protect your valuables on an RV trip? Don't bring them on the trip at all! Obviously, if you're a full-on nomad, this isn't really an option. But if you are going RVing for recreational purposes, do you really need all your jewelry and watches with you? Unless it's vital for your travels, it might be smarter to just leave the valuables at home in your Mycube.
Leave a Light On
Once you've found a reputable parking space, you can kind of start to treat your recreational vehicle like a house. And just like your house, there are some pretty easy ways to improve your security. Make sure to lock up whenever you step out and try to leave a light on. This will give the impression that you're still around, and make your RV seem like a less tempting target.
Another enlightened tip to keeping your RV safe is to get some motion sensor lights for the outside. This way the lights will turn on whenever anyone gets close, making any would-be thief easy to spot and encouraging them to move on.
Install a Security System
Just like your home-without-wheels, an RV can benefit from a little extra security help. By installing a security system, you can help ward off would-be thieves. A security camera inside our out can help you figure out if someone in your RV park is messing around with things they shouldn't be. And an alarm system will alert everyone in the area to any break-ins.
Lock Up Properly
The first line of defense against anyone trying to get into your recreational vehicle is going to be your locks. However, it's not always the best idea to trust the locks on your RV. Many RV companies will copy the locks from model to model, and this means a seasoned RV thief might have a skeleton key that will work on your RV lock. Getting custom locks can really help boost your security. It's important to not just get the doors either - windows are a potential point of entry and need to be secured as well. Close them up, and draw the blinds as well to prevent people peeking in.
Install a Fire Alarm
Theft isn't the only risk to your valuables. If your RV goes up in smoke, everything inside is at risk as well. RVs pose a special fire risk since they are technically a vehicle with an engine that could overheat or burst into flames. You also need to be aware of the possibility of fires caused by kitchen appliances in the RV as well. A fire alarm can help warn you if something has spontaneously burst into flame. However, it's also a good idea to invest in a fireproof safe such as our compact Firecube if you are worried about the dangers of an RV fire. This means even if the RV is damaged in a fire, your more precious belongings can make it through.
Don't Leave Valuables Out in the Open
An RV is a naturally small space, and it will be pretty easy for a thief to scan it for valuables. This is why getting a mini-safe for RVs is becoming an increasingly popular method of protection. If you put some of the best small home safes in your recreational vehicle and bolt them to the frame, it becomes nearly impossible for thieves to get away with your goods. Making sure to put your valuables in an RV safe is also just plain good common sense. If you end up leaving something important behind, it could be a long drive back to get it. Better to make sure you know exactly where everything is at every moment.
If you're looking for a safe to install into your RV, you've come to the right place! The main challenge with installing an RV safe is trying to find the space for it when space is already at a premium. Thankfully, Mycube makes plenty of compact, secure mini-safes for your convenience. We would certainly recommend checking out the Biocube Mini - this compact safe mixes compact security with amazing ease of use. So pick one up, forget about security worries, and happy trails on your RV travels!