Refer A Friend

Share the love of your MyCube safe with a friend or relative and once we get their order we will send you a black Alor jewelry tray for your MyCube or MyCube Mini.
It’s simple: just forward this email to friends and family and have your friend mention your name with their order.
Going on vacation? Lock up your valuable items before leaving and remember to keep your manual keys and wrench outside of the safe.
Renting your home for the summer? Buy a MyCube for your tenants to use so they have a safe place to store their jewelry, watches and other important items when they are off to the beach or for a bike ride.
Relax and enjoy, knowing you are safe with MyCube!
Call us 24/7 at 1 800 590-1592 and get a “live” MyCube team member.
Lois and the team at MyCube