Enter To Win A MyCube Safe
Enter To Win A MyCube Safe

First, a heartfelt “thank you” to  all our MyCube fans. It’s been a stellar year thus far!

Scott and I are working hard to build a successful new marketing campaign and part of the campaign is for you to share with us your “MyCube story”. Whether it is about your buying, installation or customer experience, or what positive daily habits you have created using your MyCube. Or maybe it’s the sense of security, organization and happiness you feel knowing your valuables are in one place, never to misplace them again. Or the gift of a MyCube you gave to someone special and what it means to them. You can simply share with us what important items you choose to keep in your MyCube, that’s great too!

All those who reply have a chance to win the MyCube safe of your choice. For those of you with an older model MyCube, now you can upgrade to our latest model which includes an interior light, soft pad and MyKit box containing the batteries, keys and hardware.  Or win our newest MyCube fire safe (now available in white or black) and add to your collection. 

Deadline is August 31, 2019. 

Enter to win your MyCube with your response by emailing us at info@mycubesafe.com 

Many thanks from Lois and Scott and the team at MyCube!